The Project

The Nazareth Church of Christ, the only congregation in Israel and Galilee, is vital to keep existing, progressing, and planning. These plans are essential to reach out to the lost and share the gospel with them. However, there is a great need for funding and contributions to survive the obstacles and challenges we face as a Christian group our non-Christian community and in our non-Christian country. The Nazareth Church is located in an old structure built in 1964. The property requires a great deal of renovation. However, after speaking to one of our members who is a construction engineer in his profession, we have broken down the renovation process into small projects.

1- Current building, Second Floor: new bathrooms, new kitchen, new tiles, new plumbing, new wirings & electricity, new doors & windows, air-conditioning.
2- Current building, First Floor: worship hall, Wednesday bible study room, Church main entrance door, Church side entrance door, purchase of 2 air-conditioning systems.
3- Plot of Land: new building construction.

When the renovation of the current building is complete, we can then use it to generate self-income by carrying out an organized multi-use purpose to bring Glory to his Name.

If you are interested in knowing more about these projects, please contact Awny Jadon. If you would like to contribute and donate to these projects or to the Church in general, please visit the Connect page.

Nazareth and Galilee
Phillip Hall
New multi-use building
Nazareth Church of Christ
Our history, present and future
Future Projects
Our plans and vision
City of Nazareth
What you need to know
Connect with Us
Be involved in the Lord's work
Meet with us: Sunday 10am, Wednesday 6.30pm
P.O.Box 2235, 6009 Street, Namsawi Quarter
Nazareth, 1641193, Israel
You can call internationally to this number +972-52-266-0942
or you can send a WhatsApp Message
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